Friday, August 27, 2010

Still here

It's been awhile since I posted. It's been crazy busy around here. My mom has been in the hospital, kids starting back to school, church, trip to Disney World...

Hopefully things will settle down a little!

My booth isn't doing very good for a couple of reasons.

1. It's been HOT.. S.T.D has no a/c. It is miserable in there!
2. Lack of time. I just haven't had the time to devote to keeping it up.
3. Lack of product. Lack of time also means I haven't been hitting my gsales and auctions like I would have liked.

One day next week I hope to go up and really work on my booth. I'd like to decorate for fall and really get some stuff moving.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's HOT!

Sorry It's been awhile since I posted. The weather here in Missouri is HOT! My Grandpa use to say "It's so hot I'm sure Hell can't be over half a mile from here!"

Anyway, The weather has taken a toll on Flea Marketing. My beloved STD flea market does not have air conditioning, and by the way this makes me very sad.. and HOT! So, sales have been down. I plan on taking a fan up this week and hopefully that will help.

My booth at Sew Simply Treasures in Mtn.Grove is doing better. I made $14! Not an abundance of money but the store seems to really be picking up.

My Favorite finds of last week were a set of Avon Ruby Red Sugar and Creamer for $.50!! WAHOO! Then collector books have them listed worth around $15.00 EACH! I put $8 on one and $10 on the other.

Happy Shopping!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Booth #233

My Mom now has a booth at STD Flea Market as well. We went up today and went to garage sales and worked on her booth. Here is some photos of her booth.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sew Simply Treasures Booth

I have a booth at a smaller place in Mtn.Grove. Sew Simply Treasures is a Fabric Store/Antique/Flea Market. It's just a small nook. It's all I can do to stay up with my booth in Springfield so this poor little booth gets a little neglected. Hopefully I'll get more stuff in it as I catch up.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flea Market Tips

Want to have your own flea market booth. Here are some of my beginner tips. Since I'm a newbie myself hopefully we can learn a little together. I've received some great advice from fellow vendors as well as learned so much on my own.

Here are some tips..

* Removable Stickers! Most all places will require these anyway.
* Scope out several places before deciding where to rent. Price each plus visit a few times and see which ones have customers and which ones do not.
* Scope out other vendors/prices.
* Ask to see their books. Most places will not be offended if you ask to peek at the vendor books. That is unless the books have personal information.
*Ask about all costs upfront. Booth rent/commission/credit card fees/misc expenses
*Once you have your booth visit it often!
*Keep your booth well lit. I have clear Christmas lights covered in sheer fabric plus two spot lamps.
*Keep your booth clean. It will make your items appear worth more.
*Change out/ rotate items not selling. I recently took down all my Easter items and rotated different stuff around my booth and ended up selling a few things I'd had since the beginning just because they were in a new spot.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Pay Day

Yesterday I went and picked up my paycheck. I was happy with the amount. Hopefully it will continue to grow.

When I pick up my check they also give me a piece of paper with all of my tags attached so that I know exactly what I sold.

Here it is!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Calender of Events

I have added another new page. The Calender of Events page. I will try to keep this page updated with local community events, craft shows and area happenings. If you have an item you would like posted please contact me.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

About Me

One of the neat features Blogger uses is the ability to create pages. I have created the page titled About Me on the right hand side. I'll be adding other pages in the future. Check it out.

Also, Everyone can now leave comments. I had to change the settings so now you do not need a Google, twitter, aim.... to leave a comment. Just click name/URL You do not have to enter a URL or you may post as anonymous just be sure to leave your name in your comment so I know who you are.

If you do have a blogger or goggle account be sure to become a follower so that you can keep up with updates.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Booth at S.T.D

My biggest booth that I have is at S.T.D. Flea Market. No I'm not kidding that's the name. It's been around for years. Long before the new meaning of STD. It originally stood for Springfield Tool and Die. I would have changed the name long ago. lol. Still it doesn't seem to deter buyers because I've done well this week.

Today I went and took all of my Easter stuff down and stocked the shelves with new merchandise. Here are some photo's..

Monday, April 12, 2010

Testing mobil posting. One important feature that I am looking forward to is being able to post on this blog from my phone. I spend a lot of time on the go and this will greatly help me keep up with my blogging. Amanda


As some of you know I already have a couple other blogs that I am horrible at keeping up with. I am making the long jump back to blogger from Musecrafters in hopes to see if maybe the mobile settings might help keep me motivated in my blogging. I may at some time in the future move my blog back to musecrafters. We will just have to see how this works out. Honestly I just love to write, but find it difficult finding that one thing that I'll stick with.

My purpose of this blog is to share my success and struggles of having business having flea market booths. I currently have items in three different business locations. My main booth I've had for about a month and I LOVE it! I've made good money and it's fun to work on.

Welcome to my new blog.. hang in there with me as I try this out and see how it goes.
